Tuition Fee(School Fee)
Pay Now

Pay your school fees

Transcipts Printing Fee
Pay Now

Pay to collect your certificate and transcript

Supplementary exam fees
Pay Now

Pay for the supplimentary exams

Purchase Tender Forms Here
Pay Now

Apply for Tenders

Pay Rent
Pay Now

Rent Payment

Pay for Student Mess Items
Pay Now

Student Mess Payement

Pay for Staff Mess Items
Pay Now

Student Mess Payment

Pay for Medical Service
Pay Now

Medical Services Payment

Pay for Farm Products
Pay Now

Pay for Products or services received from the farm

Hostel Key Replacement
Pay Now

Replace Your Lost Keys

Hostel Booking Fee
Pay Now

Hire of University Bus
Pay Now

Hire Institution Bus

Hire of Facilities & Equipment
Pay Now

Pay for Hired Facilities or Equipment

Fines and Penalties
Pay Now

Pay for any fines or penalties given

Credit Transfer
Pay Now

Pay for credit transfer

Conference Charges
Pay Now

Pay & Book for a Conference